The Office of Community Engagement advances the University of Iowa Strategic Plan's central priorities across the spectrum of student and faculty experiences impacting Iowa communities by supporting engagement and impact efforts through teaching, learning, research, and the arts.
Excellence in teaching and learning
The Office of Community Engagement works to elevate excellence in teaching and learning experiences for students and faculty across all colleges and departments at the University of Iowa by cultivating community-engaged teaching and learning programs that connect concepts and classroom experiences with community partners. Students can increase aptitude and retention through real-world exercises and service-learning fundamentals while establishing relationships that foster impact in Iowa communities and beyond.
Innovative research and creative discovery
The Office of Community Engagement works to elevate innovative research and creative discovery by identifying and advancing community-engaged research opportunities, publishing and conferences, professional development workshops, and the Graduate Engagement Corps (GEC). By connecting graduate students with community partners, funding opportunities, and networking support to connect and enhance research projects that generate impact in local communities while improving outcomes for University initiatives across disciplines.
Welcoming and inclusive environment
The Office of Community Engagement continually emphasizes the importance of inclusivity throughout all community engagement efforts by partnering with colleges and departments throughout the University of Iowa. By promoting community-engaged classroom and research experiences that focus on issues and experiences impacting individuals from all sectors of our society and facilitating community partnerships that connect with organizations and municipalities serving every interest and demographic population across Iowa.
Holistic well-being and success
The Office of Community Engagement promotes the advancement and success of students, faculty, instructors, and researchers through professional development opportunities throughout the year focused on improving the impact and professional efficacy. In addition, the office creates new pathways for educational and career growth through internships, graduate assistant positions, the Graduate Engagement Corps, Arts Share community-engaged art opportunities, and fellowships through the Grant Wood Art Colony.
Transformative societal impact
University impact is at the heart of everything the Office of Community Engagement does, with an enduring and ongoing emphasis on transformative experiences for students, engaging opportunities for faculty, and demonstrable outcomes for communities connected to disciplines and departments across the University system. By transcending the traditional classroom and research experience and partnering educational outcomes with organizations and initiatives throughout Iowa, the everyday lives of individuals improve through projects and programs designed to meet needs and elevate initiatives outlined by community members.
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