Articles posted here include a variety of community-engaged topics: current, relevant resources on engaged learning, community partnerships, Community-Engaged Course creation, and assessing your community engagement.
All articles are provided in PDF form and used freely for your research and study purposes.
Assessing Programs
Current Practice and Infrastructures for Campus Centers of Community Engagement, Marshall Welch & John Saltmarsh. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
Non-Researcher's Guide to Evidence-Based Program Evaluation, National Registry of Evidence-Based Programs and Practices.
Planning a Program Evaluation, Ellen Taylor-Powell, Sara Steele, & Mohammad Doughlah. University of Wisconsin Extension.
Assessing Service Learning
An Assessment Model for Service-Learning Comprehensive Case Studies of Impact on Faculty, Students, Community- Amy Driscoll, Barbara Holland, Sherril Gelmon, & Seanna Kerrigan. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
A quantitative approach to assessment of work‐based learning outcomes an urban planning application, Robert Freestone, Peter Williams, Susan Thompson, & Kerry Trembath. Higher Education Research & Development.
Assessing Service-Learning, Maryann J. Gray, Elizabeth Geneghan Ondaatje, Ronald D. Fricker, Jr., & Sandy A. Geschwind.
Challenges in Assessing Service-Learning, Sherril B. Gelmon. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Collaborative Faculty Assessment of Service-Learning Student Work to Improve Student and Faculty Learning and Course Design, Daniel F. Shapiro. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Development of a National Survey to Assess Student Learning Outcomes of Community-Based Research, Gary Lichtenstein, Trisha Thorme, Nick Cutforth, & Martin L. Tombari. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement.
Making Knowledge Productive, Thomas Pineros-Shields, Lawrence Neil Bailis, Alan Melchior, & Faye Cohen. The Massachusetts Department of Education.
Meaningful Measurement of Theory-Based Service-Learning Outcomes Making the Case with Quantitative Research, Robert G. Bringle & Julie A. Hatcher. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Service Learning Research Primer, Kathryn S. Steinberg, Robert G. Bringle, & Mathhew J. Williams. National Service-Learning Clearinghouse.
Developing Assessment Instruments
A Field Guide to Designing Quantitative Instruments to Measure Program Impact, Dr. Susan J. Barkman. Purdue University.
A Step-by-Step Guide to Developing Effective Questionnaires and Survey Procedures for Program Evaluation & Research, Dr. Keith G. Diem. Rutgers Cooperative Research and Extension.
Collecting Evaluation Data: End-of-Session Questionnaires, Ellen Taylor-Powell & Marcus Renner. UW Wisconsin Extension.
Designing an Effective Questionnaire, Laura Colosi. Cornell University.
Measuring Intentions Tipsheet, Nancy Ellen Kiernan. Pennsylvania State University.
Reduce Bias with Retrospective Questions, Nancy Ellen Kiernan. Pennsylvania State University.
Survey Design, Christine Chavez. Loyola Marymount University.
SURVEY FUNDAMENTALS A GUIDE TO DESIGNING AND IMPLEMENTING SURVEYS, Nancy Thayer-Hart, Jennifer Dykema, Kelly Elver, Nora Cate Schaeffer, & John Stevenson. University of Wisconsin Madison.
Useful Answer Categories Tipsheet, Nancy Ellen Kiernan. Pennsylvania State University.
- Using the Retrospective Post-then-Pre Design, John Klatt & Elen Taylor-Powel. University of Wisconsin Madison.
Community Partnerships
An Assessment Model for Service-Learning: Comprehensive Case Studies of Impact on Faculty, Students, Community, and Institution, Amy Driscoll, Barbara Holland, Sherril Gelmon, & Seanna Kerrigan. Portland State University.
Asking the Community: A Case Study of Community Partner Perspectives, Laurie Worrall. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Assessments by Community Agencies: How “the Other Side” Sees Service-Learning, Joseph R. Ferrari & Laurie Warrall. DePaul University.
At A Glance: What We Know about The Effects of Service-Learning on College Students, Faculty, Institutions and Communities, Janet S. Eyler, Dwight E. Giles, Jr., Christine M. Stenson, & Charlene J. Gray. Vanderbilt University.
Building Partnerships with College Campuses: Community Perspectives, Sally Leiderman, Andrew Furco, Jennifer Zapf, & Megan Goss. The Council of Independent Colleges.
Campus and Community Partnerships: Assessing Impacts & Strengthening Connections, Andrea Vernon & Kelly Ward. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Campus-Community Partnerships: The Terms of Engagement, Robert G. Bringle & Julie A. Hatcher. Journal of Social Issues.
Characteristics of “Engaged Institutions” and Sustainable Partnerships, and Effective Strategies for Change, Barbara A. Hollan. Indiana University.
Civic Engagement In Higher Education, Barbara Jacoby and Associates. Jossey-Bass.
Community Agency Voice and Benefit in Service-Learning, Devi Miron & Barbara E. Moely. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Different Worlds and Common Ground: Community Partner Perspectives on Campus-Community Partnerships, Marie Sandy & Barbara A. Holland. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Documentation and Evaluation of Partnerships, Barbara A. Israel, Eugenia Eng and Parker. Jossey-Bass.
Guiding Principles of Partnership, Campus Community Partnerships for Health.
Measuring capacity building in communities: a review of the literature, Selma C. Liberato, Julie Brimblecombe, Jan Ritchie, Magan Ferguson, & John Coveney. BMC Public Health.
Service-Learning Partnerships: Paths of Engagement, Silvia Dorado & Dwight E. Giles, Jr. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Student and Community Outcomes in Service-Learning: Community Outcomes, Deanna L. Reising, Patricia N. Allen, & Susan G. Hall. Journal of Nursing Education.
Student Perceptions of Community-based Research Partners and the Politics of Knowledge, Emily W. Kane. Bates College & Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
University Community Research Partnerships: A New Approach, Jacqueline Dugery & James Knowles. Pew Partnerships.
Where's the Community in Service-Learning Research, Nadinne I. Cruz & Dwight E. Giles, Jr. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Engaged Learning
An adaptive learning process for developing and applying sustainability indicators with local communities, Mark S. Reed, Evan D.G. Fraser, & Andrew J. Dougill. Science Direct.
A guide to community sustainability indicators, Anke Valentin & Joachim H. Spangenberg. Environmental Impact Assessment Review.
A Service-Learning Course for First-Year Pharmacy Students, Kevin R. Kearney. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
Assessments by Community Agencies: How “the Other Side” Sees Service-Learning, Joseph R. Ferrari & Laurie Warrall. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
At A Glance: What We Know about The Effects of Service-Learning on College Students, Faculty, Institutions and Communities, Janet S. Eyler, Dwight E. Giles, Jr., Christine M. Stenson, & Charlene J. Gray. Vanderbilt University.
Building Teaching Dispositions and Service-Learning Practice: A Multi-Site Study, Susan Root, Jane Callahan, & Jungsywan Sepanski. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Changes in College Students' Attitudes and Intentions for Civic Involvement as a Function of Service-Learning Experiences, Barbara E. Moely, Megan McFarland, Devi Miron, Sterett Mercer, & Vincent Ilustre.
Changes in Involvement Preferences as Measured by the Community Service Involvement Preference Inventory, Christopher A. Payne. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Community Voice: Community Partners Reflect on Service Learning, Jo Anna Tauscher Birdsall. Butte College California.
Comparing College Community Participation and Future Service Behaviors and Attitudes, L. Michkey Fenzel & Mark Peyrot. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Does Service-Learning Increase Student Learning?: A Meta-Analysis, Jami L. Warren. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Educating for Sustainability: Competencies & Practices for Transformative Action, Erin Frisk & Kelli L. Larson. Journal of Sustainability Education.
The Effects of Service-Based Learning on Meta-Cognitive Strategies During an Engineering Design Task, Gay Lemons, Adam Carberry, Chris Swan, & Linda Jarvin. International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering.
Environmental Service-Learning: Social Transformation through Caring for a Particular Place, Janel M. Curry, Gail Heffner, & David Warners. Calvin College & Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Exploring the Impact of Service-Learning on Moral Development and Moral Orientation, Matthew L. Bernacki & Elizabeth Jaeger. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Faculty and Student Participation and Perceptions of Service-Learning Outcomes, M. Michelle Rowe & Judith G. Chapman. Saint Joseph University.
Impact of a Service-Learning Course on First-Year Pharmacy Students' Learning Outcomes, Kevin R. Kearney. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
Key competencies in sustainability: a reference framework for academic program development, Arnim Wiek, Lauren Withycombe, & Charles L. Redman. Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science.
Long-Term Effects of Volunteerism During the Undergraduate Years, Alexander W. Astin, Linda J. Sax, & Juan Avalos. The Review of Higher Education.
Making a Difference: Does Service-Learning Promote Civic Engagement in MPA Students? Saundra J. Reinke. Journal of Public Affairs Education.
Measuring student outcomes: An assessment of service-learning in the public relations campaigns course, Kelly Page Werder & Karen Strand. Public Relations Review.
PRELOAD: A rubric to evaluate course syllabi for quality indicators of community engagement and service-learning components, Laura Kieran & Sally Haack. Journal of Community Engagement in Higher Education.
Psychometric Properties and Correlates of the Civic Attitudes and Skills Questionnaire (CASQ):A Measure of Students’ Attitudes Related to Service-Learning, Barbara E. Moely, Sterett H. Mercer, Vincent Ilustre, Devi Miron, & Megan McFarland. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Quantitative Assessment of the Impact of the Service-Learning Course “Mental Health and the Veteran Population: Case Study and Practicum” on Undergraduate Students, Manisha Bahl & Jason Hom.
Self-Efficacy in Service-Learning Community Action Research: Theory, Research, and Practice, Roger N. Reeb, Susan F. Folger, Stacey Langsner, Courtney Ryan, & Jake Crouse. Society for Community Research and Action.
Service-Learning and Engagement, Academic Challenge, and Retention, Sarah M. Gallini & Barbara E. Moely. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Service-Learning and Student Diversity Outcomes: Existing Evidence and Directions for Future Research, Matthew A. Holsapple. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Service-Learning Assessment: Sustainability Competencies in Construction Education, Caroline M. Clevenger & Mehmet E. Ozbek.
Student and Community Outcomes in Service-Learning: Part 1—Student Perceptions, Deanna L. Reising, Patricia N. Allen, & Susan G. Hall. Journal of Nursing Education.
Student and Community Outcomes in Service-Learning: Part 2—Community Outcomes, Deanna L. Reising, Patricia N. Allen, & Susan G. Hall. Journal of Nursing Education.
Student Perceptions of Community-based Research Partners and the Politics of Knowledge, Emily W. Kane. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Students’ Self-Assessment of Learning through Service-Learning, Kevin R. Kearney. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
Toward a Theory of Engagement: A Cognitive Mapping of Service-Learning Experiences, Kerry Ann Rockquemore & Regan Harwell Schaffer. Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning.
Town–gown relationships: Exploring university–community engagement from the perspective of community members, Stephen D. Bruning, Shea McGrew, & Mark Cooper. Public Relations Review.
UNIFORM ASSESSMENT OF THE BENEFITS OF SERVICE LEARNING: THE DEVELOPMENT, EVALUATION, AND IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SELEB SCALE, Mark F. Toncar, Jane S. Reid, David J. Burns, Cynthia E. Anderson, & Hieu P. Nguyen. Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice.
Here you will find video links to archived workshops and events posted as they are processed. If you would like a copy for download, please get in touch with the Office of Community Engagement for details. All videos are from our YouTube channel, which houses them permanently. Direct link here.
Looking In, Zooming Out - (April 6th, 2021)
Defining and Sustaining Community Partnerships - (November 12th , 2020)
Community Engagement for Inclusion and Justice Workshop (October 15th, 2020)
Other Resources
Miscellaneous items are here. Reports and documents related to engagement or service learning don't fit any of the above categories.
Other Resources
- Engaged Scholar Faculty Fellows: Journals and Conferences, Campus Compact.
- Perceptions of Partnership: A Study on nonprofit and higher education collaboration, Iowa Campus Compact.